AC500 Charging Wattage for Australia

When charging my AC500 from mains 240V, the display shows about 700W going into the single B300S battery, suggesting a current of about 3 amps. (please correct me if I missed something). Reading online, it should be charging the device with a much higher wattage.

While I am not trying to fast charge my battery and quite happy with a slow and steady pace, I would like to understand what exactly happens and where I can control the watts going into the battery. I checked the “Max Grid Input Current” setting which defaults to 15A. I guess this is just a maximum.

I am also confused about charging using a generator. If I am only seeing 700W going in from mains, why would I need a 5000W generator. I only have 4000W pure sine wave generator. Risking showing my ignorance, if I only push 700W into the battery, then 4000W should do.

Any guidance or clarification is much appreciated.

Please note I am using the Australian model using 240VAC @ 50Hz mains.