I’d need your kind help with my AC500+3xB300s system (S/N AC5002241000193290). After having got 5 times an A007 error (Voltage Sensor Error) in about a week, I’ve followed suggestions provided within the Bluetti app by:
- checking if any firmware update for BMS was available (currently, v1022.9). It was not. This is strange because on my other Ac500+1xB300s, the app found a firmware upgrade available for BMS and I upgraded it to v1067.11 !
- then, I performed a SoC recalibration by discharging the batteries to 0% and then charging them w/o any loads connected.
This happend on last Sunday 9th. Today at 12 am, the AC500 stopped working again showing an error 012-BUS Voltage High error. Can you plase advise about how to fix this ?
Many thanks in advance and best regards,
Maurizio Russo
Hi @mrusso70
Did you also check for firmware updates on the B300S? To check and install new updates on them, connect to the AC500 by Bluetooth and click on the percentage on the “main menu” of the unit in the bluetti App.
This should list all you expansion batterys and a button to check for new firmwares.
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Hi @mrusso70, We have a new DSP firmware that can fix this issue. Could you please let us know the current DSP version of your AC500? Also, which country version is your AC500? Once we have this information, we will push the update for you.
Thanks to @Selfmadestrom for your attention and input on this matter.
Hi @Selfmadestrom,
I carried out a check on firmware status through Bluetti app and I didn’t find anyone available for batteries. It looks like they are up to date. But, maybe, it is not something I can manage leveraging app functionalities, is it ?
Many thanks for your kind support,
Hey @mrusso70
Please have a look at the answer from BLUETTI_CARE. Seems like they can push a firmware update for you to fix the described issue 
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current DSP version of my AC500 (s/n AC5002241000193290) is v4047.30.
I bought it from and I’m using it in Italy, so I suppose the country version is Italy.
Please, be aware I have another AC500 (s/n AC5002248000178717) bundled with one B300S and two B300K. Even in this case, the DSP version is v4047.30. Don’t know if it’d make sense to upgrade DSP for this one in order to avoid same issues in the future.
Thanks in advance for pushing new DSP version as suggested.
Best regards,
Hi Maurizio, We have dedicated DSP firmware to fix this issue. This firmware has not been pushed in bulk because it wouldn’t help most customers who haven’t encountered the problem and might even disturb users.
We have now requested to push this firmware specifically for your first AC500.
Our IT department will push the latest firmware to your unit in 24 hours.
Please upgrade the firmware tomorrow. Please do not load any device when upgrading it.
Please let us know if it does help.
As for your second AC500, if it hasn’t encountered any issues, we do not recommend upgrading it.
Thank you, @Selfmadestrom, for your answers and reminders. That is very kind of you!
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