AC300 Solar panel setup help

Greetings knowledgeable solar people,
I have AC300 dual power stations with 6 B300K batteries running the split phase configuration. Currently I have 12 Q-Cell 365 rooftop panels connected in series, 4 sets of 3 panels. I have had this configuration for about 3 months and about 1600 w PV is the highest solar input I have reached so far into both AC300 stations. That is well below the 2400 w max these units can handle. The Q-Cell panels have the following STC specs:
P MPP 365 w
I SC 16.07
V OC 41.21
I MPP 10.56
V MPP 34.58
I have 4 more of these same Q-Cell panels mounted on the roof not in use. I am hoping someone might know how I can safely add the 4 unused panels to the 12 in use to boost my PV charging up closer to the 2400 w max? Is there a possible series and parallel setup to keep the 4 strings below the 150 volts and 12 amps for the 4 PV inputs? My most sincere thank you to those who might have a solution for me. Greg

A lot depends on the angle and rotation position to the sun. I have 12 390w panels and have only had 2400 w input a couple of times on both of my AC300. Find the best angle for where you live.

Thank you Yazz, good looking out! That does make sense, and although they are currently facing South the recommended direction here in NorCal, I can experiment with different angles. I am just hoping to find some way to incorporate the 4 extra idle panels. Thank you sincerely for your input.

А какое напряжение холостого хода у Вас на трёх панелях сейчас?
Я думаю можно просто подключить секции по 4 штуки 2×2 и Вы не выйдете за значение предельного напряжения,но увеличение мощность

Thank you Pletenets, I believe the open circuit voltage would be 3 x 41.21 = 123.63 volts. Each one of the 4 string series of 3 should total 123.63 volts.

Если у Вас есть ещё 4 панели и есть возможность добавить к каждой секции по одной,то подключите (2×2) ×4
Напряжение будет около 90В.но вырастет ток.
Или может Вам нужно поэкспериментировать с расположение ваших панелей, углами,сторонами света