AC300, generated pv electricity is wrong

In the app there is on the bottom of the overview the generated pv electricity messured in kWh. Has anyone checked this value? I’m sure it is wrong. I have 2,3 kWp solar connected to my AC300 and I only get about 8 kWh on a sunny day, this is way to low and I’m getting way more than 8 kWh out of the AC300, with an steady charging level. Maybe just one pv-string is measured?

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@BLUETTI At the menu item “My Devices” is at the botton “Totally 0,0 kW-h generated by your PV” the shown value is wrong! It is way to low! My ac300 is loaded only by PV and i can get more kWh out of the bluetti than I have generated according to the value in the app.

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@tobias77 1. Did you turn on PV mode? 2. could you please provide me with the SN and the firmware version so we can check? 3. Is your device 120V or 230V?

@BLUETTI_CARE PV Mode is activated. SN: 2226000036552, DSP 4036.07, ARM 4037.05 and HMI 6035.05. 230V
The generated kWh are ok, but the kWh shown in the app are to low.

I’ve found that what it displays as total kwh generated is not accurate. I’m not really sure what it’s measuring. Maybe it’s a feel good feature? I’m not joking by that. In order to measure how much power is generated by an array, wouldn’t there need to be a shunt? To shunt or not to shunt... | DIY Solar Power Forum

@MontAnna @tobias77 Please check if the carbon emission factor is over 0.9. Then please try to update the APP version and restart it.

@BLUETTI_CARE The carbon faktor is 0,959 and the APP has the newest version.

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@tobias77 Please check the update from the technician:
When solar energy charges AC300, even if the light shines on for about 8 hours a day (the specific time may vary in different regions) but the power will be relatively low in the morning and evening, and only at noon is the effective light time. So It is normal for solar energy to produce a total of 8KW a day, you can pay attention to the input power of each time period from morning to night.

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@BLUETTI_CARE Thank’s for your remarks, but i’m quite aware of the way pv ist working. I’m working in the energy industry.
The ac300 shows 50% of the generated pv electricity! The measurement ist wrong!
I read out the values of the ac300:

With this graph it is easy to calculate the approximately generated pv electricity what i did:

I checked the value in the morning and in the evening and the difference at the ac300 was 8,1 kwh! This is 50% of the generated electricity.
I have 2 identical pv-strings connected to the ac300, so my guess is there is just one string measured.
Please pass this information on to a technician.


I have a EP500pro and it has the same issue. The app show 50% of the PV input.

@bluetti_wernerconradsconradsengineeringcom @tobias77 Thanks for your feedback. I will check with our technician. If there is any update, I will let you know ASAP.

@tobias77 Hi, the technicians do some tests and they confirmed the problem. They’re finding a way to solve it. Thanks for your feedback.


Can they also change it to capture a history table of the PV production? Basically write the data to a file/table with an date and time stamp every hour. Then it could be read and easily displayed summary charts by day, week, month, similar to utility companies and competitors.


@bluetti_wernerconradsconradsengineeringcom Please provide me with the SN and the current ARM version, then we can send you a software update.

@bluetti_davesieberkrobcom I will give feedback to the tech team. Thanks for your feedabck.

Yes. What bluetti_davesieberkrobcom said, times a few thousand!


@tobias77 Hi, the technician sent you a software update, did you receive it and update the firmware? Looking forward to your feedback.

Serial Number
m Communication Board SN loT2210000895277

Current Version:
Current Version:
Current Version:
Current Version:

@bluetti_wernerconradsconradsengineeringcom Thanks for the information. The software update will be sent in 12 hrs.

Thanks for the software update. It looks now much more accurate. Well done.