Yesterday I AC charged the B300’s to 100% (they were at 65).
I am currently discharging them now for the first time since purchase in March. Manual says to do that every 6 months. Do I discharge to zero? Or will the AC300 shut itself down at the correct point and then I can connect the AC charging cable and charge them back to 100%?
Additional info a few hours later: the AC300 is at 5% so I shut off the space heater I was using pending the answer to my question. I found section 9.3 in the user manual say the following: To extend battery life, the power station set the “depth of discharge (DoD) 90%, which means that only 90% of the battery capacity can be discharged. 10% of the energy is reserved to avoid damage to the battery due to over-discharge.”
So, the app & the LCD display on the AC 300 say the batts are at 5%. The “Battery Pack” screen on the app says one batt is 6% and another 4%. I hope the 5% remaining power is actually 5% of the 90% DoD allowed in the programming of the BMS. Can anyone clarify and confirm from experience that the AC300 AUTOMATICALLY stops discharge when it reaches 10% remaining, thereby protecting the battery from over discharge AND, at that 10% point, the LCD screen will read 0%, meaning 0% of the allowed 90%.
Inquiring minds need to know.
Bluetti Newby