AC200PL not working Parallel with B300

My AC200PL not working in parallel with B300

I Did everything as indicated in manual. AC200 indicated on screen there combibe capacity, and I see information about 300 in app, but while 200 discarging 300 is only on standby and “In Parallel” indicator in app on 300 is not active

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Did you flip the “lock” switch (in “locked” position) on both ends of your battery wire?

Please confirm if the suggestion provided by @Derceto can solve the issue.
If it still doesn’t work, you can directly @BLUETTI_CARE team for further assistance.

Hello everyone!
@BLUETTI_CARE I faced the same issue with AC200PL and B300.
battery wire coneected properly and locked.
bms updated to latest avaliable versions.

screen on ac200pl shows single average % but “time left” only based on ac200pl capacity.
During changing in app i see that as200pl and b300 are ‘in parallel’ but during discharging they not working in parallel.

SN on both devices: 2412000073234
bms on ac200pl: V1056.03
bms on b300: V1021.07

iOT V9041.10
ARM V2140.05
DSP V2130.13

Could you please help me with updating FW or proper configuration to have everethyng connected and works properly?