I have a question regarding the maximum Amps on the AC200max.
Apologies in advance, if this sounds like a newbie question or has already been answered somewhere, but I couldn’t find the answer to my exact question. I just recently purchased the AC200max and I bought my first Solar Panel, a (Mecer 545w) panel with the following specs (VMP=41.93)-(IMP=13)-(VOC=49.90).
I wanted to get 3 of these panels in total, only to realize the maximum voltage input for the system was (VOC 145 - 15 amps) which meant if I wired these panels in series I would exceed max VOC (and from what I read in another thread that would damage the system).
My question is, if I ran these panels in a combination of series and parallel (2 panels in series parallel with the 3rd one paralleled) totally max amps of 26 will that also damage the system? Do the Amps work the same way as the VOC in that exceeding the max will damage the system?
Any insight on the matter for those experienced in this issue, any suggestions.
When consider to connect a solarpanel setup, the MPPT of your AC200Max deliever the parameters it can work with. On one hand you have a voltage area and on the otherhand a max amp.
Voltage is a critical parameter. This value should be not exceed in any constelation. To make sure you dont go over the max voltage, use the voc as value to calculate the max voltage from the panels. Series conection add voltage and parallel adds current (amp).
Speaking of current, this is a not critical value. You can go higher than the max value thats supported by the AC200Max, but it can only use as much as the unit supports. So if you connect panels with 20 amps but the AC200Max can only use 10 amps, than only 10 amps will be draw.
Thank you so much for the reply, it is very much appreciated.
Just to verify, so this means if I keep the VOC below max (145) I can wire as many solar panels as I need in a parallel? Meaning even if I exceed the max amps on the AC200max, the system will still be safe and not damaged?
EXAMPLE: 4 panels total (2 in parallel) connected in series to another (2 in parallel) =
Maximum Power Voltage(Vmp): 83.86
Maximum Power Current(Imp): 26.00
Open Circuit Voltage(Voc): 99.80
Short Circuit Current(Isc): 27.84
The VOC is below Max at 100 but Amps are above 15 at 26amps…
Yes, as long you stay within the max voltage, you are safe. 100V is far away from the 145V.
The main difference between voltage and current is, that voltage get pushed to the system and current gets drawn. So the AC200Max just take as much current it needs and leave the rest unused.