Hi everyone, any help would be greatly appreciated.
After going down the Power Station rabbit hole, I decied to pull the trigger on a AC200Max that should arrive next week.
I’d like to pair that up with some solar panels and offload some reliance off grid power.
I have a very small flat roof top terrace that I’d like to mount 3x panels + 1x panel for expansion for additional D050S charging.
I’ve made a spreadsheet of possible panels I can purchase, I might just go used Heliene 72M360 as it’s the most cost effective, however, I noticed that the Voc is pretty high if I put 3x of them together, close to 144v which really is the top limit of the AC200Max of 145v. If it goes over, will it damage the internals?
Any input from the community would be helpful! Thank you!
144V is too high. The risk that your setup is going beyond 145V is really high. And yes, when it goes over 145V you kill your MPPT. One thing thats really important to know is, that the voltage of the Solar Panels are mesured on 20 - 23 Celsius. Solar Panels tend to have much more Voltage when its much more colder than the 20 degrees.
144V is too high. The risk that your setup is going beyond 145V is really high. And yes, when it goes over 145V you kill your MPPT. One thing thats really important to know is, that the voltage of the Solar Panels are mesured on 20 - 23 Celsius. Solar Panels tend to have much more Voltage when its much more colder than the 20 degrees.
It can work, but i wouldnt risk you unit.
Thank you for your reply. So looking at my options, the JA Solar is probably my best bet to keep VOC of 3x panels around ~40x3=120V that should give me enough buffer to be under the 145V when temps drop (which is certain living in Southern Ontario).
Is it possible to have the panels flow into something else like a transformer? Stepdown voltage device? before going into the AC200Max? Something worth looking at if the device is less than $200, as the 4x used panels are clsoe to 60% compared to the Ja Solar.
If the open circuit voltage is very close to 145V when the solar panels you selected are connected, then you will have to reduce one solar panel.
BLUETTI does not have a step-down module compatible with the AC200MAX at this time.
The panel sticker for the Heliene 72M-360 has a Voc of 45.3. However I can’t find a datasheet online that matches the sticker stats.
Ill try to contact the manufacturer tomorrow but it looks like it’s an discontinued panel which doesn’t have published data sheets.
If we go by the sticker 45.3 Voc x3 would be 136.9V and unknown what the temp coefficient is to figure out.
If I use the online calculators defaults it’s probably a multiplier of 1.21 (for -25c weather) which puts Voc at around 163V.
My other option is using 4x 2s2p? It would under the 150V limit (around Voc = 90V, Vmp = 75V and 19A, around 1400w over panelled). I’d be over the A limit of the AC200Max but reading that it will only take up to 15A current which I’m okay with, would be under the 900w input.
Should be okay with 3x in series or better to be safe with 4x 2s2p?