Ac200max failed to update bms firmware to 1017.03. Now flashing power button and bms communication failure. How do I fix it ?

Ac200max failed to update bms firmware to 1017.03. Now flashing power button and bms communication failure. How do I fix it ?

Hi @Onesdman

Did you try to turn on/off the unit and start the update again?

Do the Bluetti App shows the new version or still the old?

After 10 or so tries of clearing the app cache and starting over, it finally succeeded in completing the update. Not sure I’ll risk that procedure in the future.

The Bluetti App also have a option to clear the App-cache.
Under the menu “Me” there should be a option called “clear cache”.

Happy that its now working again. If you dont have any specific issue, i would wait to update the firmware for a few weeks. Sometimes there are errors that are get fixed with a newer version shortly after the initial release.

Wish you much fun with the AC200Max again!

Tested the unit today, everything works . Discharge to 0 and charged back to 100% using the brick charger. I’ll test solar panel charging over the weekend but I think everything is working fine

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@Onesdman Yes, after upgrading the BMS firmware, you need to do SOC self-leaning again. If the firmware upgrade fails, upgrade the APP version to the latest, and then re-upgrade the BMS firmware.