AC200L wrong Energy statistics data

Hi, I just bought a new Bluetti AC200L station. It is working very well so far as a UPS for my Internet devices (modem, firewall, switch) but I’m noticing what I perceive as an error in the data shown in the app. In the “Daily power profile” section I see a constant power of 150-170W throughout the day (that reading is fine as I compared it with a wattmeter).

The issue I see is with the “Energy Statistics” section. It shows a Daily consumption of 2.18 kWh. How does this value calculated? Assuming an average of 160W, in 24 hours it should be about 3.84kWh. That value is way off every day since day 1.

I’m comparing the Grid value in both “Daily power profile” and “Energy Statistics” as it is the only source of power connected. Notice that the power used remain pretty constant throughout the day. Am I missing something?

Hi @hjgs1256 , Energy statistics are influenced not only by the actual power consumption of the household appliances but also by the solar energy generated each day and the machine’s own consumption. These factors can cause daily variations, but they do not affect the overall usage. Please feel free to contact us if you need more help.

Hi, I agree with everything you said, however as I said, there’s no solar in my setup just the grid. As an example, if I connected a 100W bulb for a day it should show 2400Wh (or 2.4kWh) plus whatever the Bluetti consumes in the Energy Statistics but it is showing way less than that, even less than what the bulb is consuming alone (like 1.5kWh instead of 2.4kWh + Bluetti cons.)

I connected a KillAwatt meter to the same outlet the Bluetti is connected to and as I said the “Daily power profile” is correct. Just the “Energy Statistics” is way off in the Bluetti (the graph that says how much it took from the grid on that day) vs the killawatt.

This is a feature (the graphs) that came out a week ago for the AC200L (in the Android app version 2.3.1) so it could be possible that it has an error in the calculations. Could you please take a look at it?

I also have a AC200L with the same inaccuracies with all energy calculations. On a steady load of about 450w, it shows about 0.2kwh per hour. I would expect around 0.45kwh.
Was your issue fixed?