AC200 Max extension battery cable

Hi Folks, I have a AC200max and want to get the B300 expansion battery…what cable do I need to connect the 2.

Not sure about the B300, but I just bought the B230 to use with my AC200MAX, and the battery came with the needed cable.
I bought it from Bluetti through ebay and it was listed specificly for the AC200MAX and listed the needed cable in the description. “1 x P090A Extension Cable (Used to connect AC200MAX)”.

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Continuing the discussion from AC200 Max extension battery cable:

I have a AC200Max and a B300 and now a B300k, the cables do come with the expansion batteries. But keep in mind for some reason they put the ports on the expansion batteries on the opposite side of the AC200 Max. Which is totally frustrating, as the batteries now need to be put backwards so the cables can reach the AC200 max. The cables are not long enough and they are 6awg wires, not sure how long they would need to be. The cables that comes with it are 42inch long. Frustrating and disappointing to say the least!

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Agreed. I have a AC200MAX with a B230. I recently added a B300K and the only way to get the cable to reach is to put it in place backwards. I have to reach around and feel for the button to turn it on and wait to see the reflection of the green light to know it’s on. A bit of a pain. :(

Hey rgb. Are you able to connect both the B230 and the B300K to the AC200Max at the same time? I have the AC 200Max and one B230. I read somewhere on the bluetti site (or maybe I asked them) that you can connect either a B230 or a B300K to the AC200Max but not both at the same time. They said I’d just have to get another B230.

Yes, I do have a B230 and a B300K connected to my AC200MAX at the same time and it does work. You may be thinking of the AC200L that can only handle one type at a time. The AC200L only has one battery expansion connection. The AC200MAX has two battery expansion connectors, so I hook the B230 up to one, and the B300K to the other.
There are two downsides to using the B300K with the AC200MAX.

  1. The cable connector is on the other side of the B300K, so I have to put it backwards and reach around to turn it on. A bit of a pain, but doable.
  2. You can not hook up a D050S to the B300K like you can to a B230, so no additional solar input.
    The D050S allows up to an additional 500W of solar to each B230.

I bought the B300K on sale, so I’m ok with the downsides given it’s size. However, If I was to buy another battery now, I’d probably go with another B230 since it’s so much cheaper, and I can add a D050S and get more solor incoming. If you are not worried about the additional solar and can find a good deal on the B300K, it can still be a good deal.
Hope this helps,

Yes. Thanks so much Richard.