AC180P switches off at 30% of charge

Hello from Ukraine, sorry for my english, my charging station constantly switches off at 30% of charge.
And when charging the station from 70% to 100% it only takes 5 min to charge.
Today I updated to DSP: V2088.04 but it didn’t help.
My serial number is AC180P2349000117392
How to solve the problem?

And one more problem, my mains is very often 190 volt and at that point the station won’t charge(
There is no way to influence this as our power grid is very badly damaged by the aggressor.
Can you provide a solution?

@Jimbev sounds like you need to recalibrate your AC180P. To do this, completely drain your 180 until the unit shuts down. Then immediately do a full Standard charge from AC to 100% with nothing else connected and the outputs turned off. This should reset the Battery Management System so that the State of Charge displays correctly again. Sometimes you need to do this a second time if the first recalibration isn’t successful. I also recommend to turn off ECO mode.

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I have done this three times already, discharged until completely switched off and immediately charged to 100%
This method didn’t work.
When discharging, before switching off, the station produced only 880 W on a special device for measuring consumption. The load was averaging 600 watts.
ESO mode is off.

@Jimbev very sorry to hear recalibration didn’t fix your State of Charge display issue. My suggestion would be to contact your after sales customer support.

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