AC180P Automatic switching on and charging up to 100%

The input of the AC180P charging station is connected to the mains. The electrical network works without interruptions. The charge level of the station is less than 100%. I turn off the charging station. After some time, the station turns itself on and starts recharging. I turn off the charging station again. After some time, the station turns on again and starts recharging. And this is repeated until the station is charged to 100%. Is this normal station behavior or some kind of bug? Does it depend on changing some parameters of the electrical network?

SN = AC180P2344000981928
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.04
BMS: v1039.01

AC and DC are off
Charging mode: silent
Powerlifting: Off
ECO AC and DC: Off
GridSelf-adaptation: Off

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Hi @pronozaoleksij , We believe this is normal. When the AC180P is connected to a power source, it will automatically start charging and wake up the machine. If you do not want the AC180P to charge, please disconnect it from the power source. Once the battery is fully charged, it will stop waking up and charging, which is also normal.

Thanks for the answer.