I have an AC180. It was connected to two 200 watt solar panels in series and was receiving some PV charge (150:watts). At the same time, I was feeding an Elite 200 v2 with AC with power from the same AC180 at 4A (500 watts). After about 20-30 minutes, the AC 180 displayed an overload message and the green AC light was flashing and wuit supplying voltage tomthe Elite 200. Why did this occur? Did the device heat up? Feeding 4 amps seems like a fairly light load.
No error codes. The AC180 green AC light was flashing and stopped providing AC power to the Elite 200. The red overload light was on screen. I removed PV input cable, turned off AC button and rebooted unit. It worked fine after that.
@Boboso52 Alright, could you go check the historical error codes for the team to better troubleshoot?
no codes were listed after following the instructions listed in the manual