AC180 Not Charging Past 270 Watts

Hello, just purchased an AC180 about a month ago and the only time it will charge past 270 watts is when I run the battery down all the way and charge it back up. Silent, Standard, and Turbo charge settings do nothing.

I made sure I ran it down and charged it back up multiple times as I have seen other users recommend, and still have the same issue. Any ideas?

Hi @BaldingEagle, We would like to know how you are charging the device. If you are using grid charging, is there any instability in the power grid in your area?
Also, is the environmental temperature too high or too low? This can limit the charging speed.

Additionally, could you provide the SN code and current firmware version of your AC180? Please ensure that all firmware is updated to the latest version.

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Apologies for the delay!

I am charging with the AC power cord that came with the device via grid charging - I have tried multiple plugs with the same issue. This is in my house, so the temperature is at 68° F.

I have attached picturesof my firmware and SN code.


Hello, this problem is still persisting. Can you please provide assistance?

@BLUETTI_CARE Any updates?