AC180 Different charging modes make no difference

I have just received a new Bluetti AC180. The first thing I did was pair it to my phone and plug it in to charge over the mains. It arrived at 56%. In all modes it charges around 290w. The ambient temperature is 15C. This seems slow to me and Turbo doesn’t improve things. Is there a problem with my unit?

Thanks Martin

Hi @mshakeshaft there are a couple of things you need to do first I would check for any firmware update and if any are available update them. Then do a full calibration of the battery and here you charge to 100% then drain at a steady rate until it turns off then charge to full all with nothing else plugged in. If set to standard you will get just over 1000w hope this helps let me know how you get on.


Hi Martin, Generally, after undergoing a long period of sea transportation and storage, the AC180 will gradually discharge, potentially leading to over-discharge. Therefore, we recommend that customers charge their new unit immediately upon receipt. At this time, the SOC display may show inaccurate power, and the actual battery level could be very low. The charging speed may be limited initially, but it will gradually increase as the real battery level rises.
We appreciate @Ktt’s suggestion; indeed, please upgrade all firmware and recalibrate after charging is complete. This will be very helpful.


@Ktt thank you both for your replies. The firmware is up to date, but interestingly when the AC130 got to 99% it took another 1/2 hour to finally reach 100%. So that probably supports the idea that it needed to recalibrate.
Thanks again for your help



Enjoy @mshakeshaft :wink: im sure you will love your AC180 as much as I do if you need any more help just give us a shout we are always willing to help any way we can and @BLUETTI_CARE are great at responding and sorting any issues. :blue_heart::blue_heart:

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All 3 of my AC180s & the AC70 came at 55-60% charged, that is their shipment condition of charge. All LFP battery charging slows down from 80% SOC. I have noted mine taking up to 30 minutes for that last 1%. I recently did a constant discharge to 0% then a recharge in Silent mode for recharge on all of them (Calibration). The last 1% on each 180 only took a few minutes to get from 99% to full.
The number one thing to consider when recharging any LFP battery is; A battery’s cycle life is affected by both rapid discharge and rapid recharge. They are built to do this on occasion, however, the more you fast charge or discharge the shorter the life expectancy. So, if you have the time to do so, slow down, lol.
It’s a bit like any machine, a car engine that you race will break down sooner than one that you don’t race. :slight_smile:
I always recharge in Silent mode, if time is an issue, I’ll move to Standard mode, but avoid Turbo mode, which I thankfully have not yet needed. That said, I would use Turbo on rare occasions if needed as it is designed to be used.
The user manual AC180 para 4.3.1 actually states in point 3 Silent mode “Silent mode for longer battery life.” Although Turbo has no warning, one can safely assume that if slower charging is longer battery life, faster is the opposite, lol.


Hi @Mandp, Thank you for sharing the test results; they are very valuable. Your battery maintenance tips are also spot on.
Yes, using Silent charging mode whenever possible is ideal. When the charging speed is slower, the battery cells are less likely to overheat, and high temperatures are indeed the enemy of batteries.
We also appreciate @Ktt’s recognition of our work—it really means a lot to us!

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@BLUETTI_CARE Thank you for your comments :slight_smile:

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