AC180 Compatible Solar Panel

Can anyone with practical experience with the AC180 please recommend a solar panel part number that will get me close to the maximum 500W input, bright sunny day conditions? I am having one challenging and frustrating time with solar panels on Ebay and Amazon. Already made two returns as only getting up to 230W input power bright sunny direct sun.

Welcome @ebicky2000 to the Bluetti forum it all depends how on if you are using portable or fixed panels.

For portable I use two Bluetti 200w panels and get around 400w and for fixed I use one longi 505w purchased for city plumbing they have the best prices in the uk panel and that produces about 420w in perfect conditions.

Whatever you get you need the panel to produce over 30v if you don’t the AC180 will limit the amps to 8a instead of 10a which will bring your numbers down.

Thanks for reply, I have two 300W panels I bought sencondhand for $75 each that show specifications of 40V and 13Amps. I decided to by a DROK DC step down converter 900W Voltage input 10-100V and Output Voltage Adjustable 12-72 / 10 Amps. Will arrive today to try it, will set output to 50V / 10 Amps. The Bluetti panels are so expensive, I like the Longi panels as you suggested. Thank you!

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