AC series - charge controllers compared to other brands


My in-law lent us an AC300 and a few panels for a while now. There are 6 panels of 400W each. The panels are installed in the garden while we figure out what the most fitting approach is for the house.
The panels are currently full South and have a 30° angle. We’re advised to keep it that way. The problem I have is that we don’t produce much compared to the space taken by those panels. We are in Belgium and the sky is not great for solar energy at the moment; I understand Autumn is not ideal either to appreciate solar power. However, is it normal to produce about 100W at noon while there is a total of 2400W of solar panels? Neighbors who have a “classic” installation confirm that they produce at least 3 times what we produce, with similar angle and exposure. They just confirmed their production an hour ago. I seriously consider the Black Friday offer, but can only buy if the machine is capable of collecting as much energy as other brands :slight_smile:


I have a few questions… what panels are you using? Do you have a spec sheet available for them by chance? How do you have your panels wired up?? And whats the voltage taken at the mc4 leads?

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Hello, thank you for your answer!
I copy paste a link to the product:

There are two pairs of wires, and each has 3 panels connected. The voltage is between 90 and 100 Volts.

@amandine I’m jealous of those panels! haha I need to get me some residential panels myself and have heard awesome things about that Longi brand. So I see that those panels have a VOC of 37.15v each… so I am assuming that you are wiring 3 panels in series (getting between 90-100v) per string.

I would just double check to make sure that you have each string connected into that proper coresponding plugs on the adapter cable of the ac300.

Maybe try one string at a time and double check with the multimeter, (and then verify within the bluettis screen) that its reading the proper voltage. Cause you should be well within the input specs of the unit and getting great results with those panels.

Thank you, we’ll check this when my hubby comes home!

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