I learned the hard way this morning that my Bluetti AC180 decided to turn of the AC outlets during a heavy rain storm last night. I had my sump pump plugged into the AC180 and the AC180 plugged into line power. There was no power outage that I’m aware of, but because I didn’t know the AC outlets turned off, I found water in my basement and it took me a while to figure-out why my sump pump stopped working. I know for sure the AC outlets were ‘on’ when I plugged in the sump as I tested it.
If nothing else, this is a warning to others and perhaps a feature request. I.e., I’d like it if there was a "Default AC to ‘on’ " feature so that the AC outlets on the AC180 (or any Bluetti power station) automatically turned ‘on’ in the event that the power station restarts, has connectivity issues, etc.