Solar Panel Q&A List - Post your questions about solar

By aluminium I mean any solar panel surrounded by aluminium framing such as (

rather than the fabric surround of a lightwieght folding panel such as (

I was referring to aluminium due to the lighter weight, being on a static.
My concerns will relate to fully appreciating the VOC rating, as kindly pointed out by hnymann, charging my AC200L & B300K.
I’m a classic amateur diy bloke, but electricity terrifies me!
Cheers again.

Great post!
Thank you.
I have 390 watt panes with a VOC of 37 on my AC300. I also live in a cold area. I have two sets of three planned. As of now I have only 5 of the six hooked up but have had 1.6 kw input max in the winter so far. I have another panel coming that was damaged in shipping.

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Hi fellow solar enthusiasts, here is something interesting concerning over wattage without over panelling:
After weeks of little to no sun due to Northern Latitudes and being more overcast than usual, I was very pleased to notice that my 2 BLUETTI PV350’s rated at 350 Watts each maxed out at close to 900 watts today.
I took some photos from today showing a slightly lower wattage but still excellent.