EB70 - Solar input greater than 8 amps

But I talked to MarsRock on there newest controllers with color display, and as I understood it they did not use the Voltage number without load but the number with load. Although the wattage stat on there units should NOT be exceeded they said, as I thought it might just not be able to do more Watts then written yet be able to have more outside but just not using it. But apparently you could according to them fry it, so it seems it does not have a function to not let the energy in if watts are exceeding the MarsRock Controller. The Bluetti as I understand it, will just open the door to 200 watts and then keep out the rest. All these factors :/

In any caseā€¦ Iā€™m looking to order some Batteries to be able to run 12 and 24 volts, a 230 volt charger as well and some other stuff to further move forward on things.

By the way I think it is correctly written Voc! VOC is something else Volatile Organic Compounds ;) Although that is an important subject as well of cause in regards of sicknessā€¦

By the way I was thinking, IF the voltage without load exceeds the Bluetti by a very little amountā€¦ you could in theory make a voltage loss greater by using lower cable mm2 and thereby have a loss on itā€™s way to the collector as far as I can gatherā€¦ Or do you need Amps traveling for a voltage drop in the cables, I would not think so butā€¦ Not certain.

And would a little higher Voltage without load, exceeding 30 volts, for a short time be a problem?.. Like it is only for a very short time and drops instantly at connecting the panels to it. If the source collector is maxed out, does the Voltage then go to itā€™s without load voltage?


Found the solar panel, https://nomadicsupply.com/cmp-cmp24170sr-170-watt-monocrystalline-walkable-sunpower-maxeon-solar-panel/:

My thought if you absolutely have to receive 200 watts of solar which is 35 watts higher than you will see on the 70S model, you should use a larger model that is capable of higher solar input. With that said, I have had some success with taking a panel with slightly too high a voltage and shading the panel with a towel on approx. 75% of its surface, connecting the portable power source and once charging is stabilized, remove the towel.

I donā€™t absolutely have to receive 200 watts, just trying out my options and figuring things out.
Like can I do it or not, and what notā€¦ As the summer comes closer, I will see what the Maximum will reach, but for now 160 watts is the top I have seen. At least it seems I have not reach the Maximum yet of the system - although I still donā€™t understand why putting my panels in Parallel would make me miss out on watts, if the system do indeed is able to do more. But maybe it is making slightly bigger Voltage to make it break through with more Sun Light.
I really should get a stat display to show the voltage and Amps and such that I can follow along with.

Actually thatā€™s an interesting idea, maybe shading just one cell on each solar panel or something could make something work which might not usually workā€¦ dunnoā€¦

Really if I buy a MarsRock Hybrid Controller and I fix its output with 24 volt Batteries, then from the batteries run to the Bluetti - then overall, it should fix the 8 Amp issue, although I might have a hard time still reaching 200 Watts even in the best of conditions of my system for now, but as far as I can realize, the Batteries would just be charged and the Bluetti would just follow along. Not sureā€¦ But that as far as my theory goes, thinking it might workā€¦ Itā€™s sad that Sunpower has stop production of my Solar Panelsā€¦

Have you tested if the Voc above 30 Volts actually stops the EB70 from working? If it even cares for thisā€¦
Like this machine can do up to 500Voc even if it only does 120Volts working.
Wait a minuteā€¦ the 120 volts are the minimum, okayā€¦
But does the Bluetti even care if the Voc is above 30 Voltage, has that been tested?

Voltage input above the max limit will stop all charging and will damage the unit depending on how much over you go. You state that you do not understand why connecting panels in parallel make you miss out on wattsā€¦When you connect in parallel the amperage of each panels is added together and you rapidly exceed the limit of 8 amps so no matter how many panels you connect in parallel you will only receive the voltage output of the panels X 8 amps.

But if the Voltage Input standby, Voc is just aboveā€¦ Wait a minute, if I have fully charged system, will the voltage on the system then be the full Voc? Okayā€¦ So many unknown factors. Maybe the Voc should be more understood like a Voltage Max of the solar panel?

Yea the thing is in regards of Parallel of the panels, if it does not exceed the 8 Amps - but thatā€™s the issue, but clearly it seems to be able to get more energy into it.
Like when I tested each panel and they both alone did 83 watts, I did not get 166 watts in parallel with them. I think I had a loss of around 12-14 watts, yet the system clearly can reach at least 160 Watts as I have seen today and maybe more as time will tell. But maybe there are some other factors playing around.

Iā€™m sorta confused in my brain, to many data and unknowns, sorry if I am being a little difficult.

Had I measured one single solar panel today I would have expected it to be higher then 83 watts. But overall, I guess other factors are playing into it.

Voc - Non working Sun charged Panel not in operation. 22.8 volts
Vmp - Fully working Sun Charged Panel in operation. 18.8 volts.

So the Voc has to be lower then 28 Volts according to the specifications.
And the Vmp has to be tween 12-28 Volts - I think I got it.