I think the person who answered didn’t look at the VOC of the Bluetti panels:
For the SP200L: VOC = 24.62V. → 3x VOC = 73.86 >>60V
For your PV200: VOC = 26.1V. → 3x VOC = 78.6V >>60V
Sometimes you can go a few volts higher than 60V… And maybe there is an overvoltage protection on the solar input… But I wouldn’t play with this because it’s the best way to burn your solar input / mppt.
You should draw Bluetti’s attention, especially since it contradicts the example in the manual.
That’s my point.
It was Bluetti’s answer to the question recommending their panels, not just some random internet dude. :)
I have seen the Hobotech Elite V2 review and he tested for solar overvoltage. It shutdown at 64 volts with the built in overvoltage protection.
Starting at about 12min 45 seconds into his review.
It’s a very good review and testing! Thanks!
Would you be able to run two sets of two SP200L panels (total 4) in parallel with the Elite 200v2, or do the panels have connected in series? I have some shading issues I am trying to circumvent.
Important update on 24/11/26 :Bluetti Admin clarified than Elite 200 V2 has only ONE MPPT channel split into Y-shape. :). So I have to correct my post.
I understand that you are considering the case of putting 4 sp200l panels in parallel (two in parallel on the first input and two on the second input so the 4 are in parallel because the two couples of solar input of the elite 200 v2 are mounted in parallel -Y shape)
This configuration has the advantage that no panel in the shade will limit the intensity of the other but it has a major drawback as follows:
The mppt is limited to 20A, so in the situation where 3 SP200L, connected in parallel, are exposed to full sun, and one in the shade) each panel in full sun can provide up to 9.75A ( I imp) i.e. a total of 29,25 A, but the mppt is limited to 20A, so you will lose 9,25 A, it is as if you only have two panels in full sun connected to the mppt.
So in summer or if you are likely to have more than two panels in full sun, you must avoid putting the 4 panels in parallel : I advise you to make 2 strings in parallel (each string on a Solar input, each string being made up of 2 panels in series. On the other hand in winter, when the sun is low, if you never have more than 2 panels exposed to full sun at the same time (lots of shadows, cloudy sky, low sun all the time), and that in practice the 4 panels never reach 20 A in total, this configuration (4 panels in parallel) can be interesting.
in the general case, I think however that the configuration two strings (each string = 2 panels in series) on each Solar input, should be suitable for most cases.
Don’t forget that if you put the 4 panels in parallel, as the Vimp of your panels are probably under 30v, the MPPT will limit the current to 8,2A (you will have to ask Bluetti to unblock this limitation on the condition that the panel voltage is above 16v).
Thank you for the detailed response. I have winter season shading issues so I’ll continue to experiment with placement.
Will the Elite 200 issue an error code / go into protect mode from overcurrent?
overcurrent is not a problem, there will be an automatic limitation of the intensity (unlike overvoltage, even if there is a protection, there is a high risk of burning the solar input/mppt). You can detect the cases of overcurrent by looking at the characteristics of the solar input: Wattage and voltage : divide the wattage by the voltage and you will have the intensity (current Amp)…
@BLUETTI Isn’t there an error with the 200L?
The 200L should be 3000 cycles (not 3500 cycles) according to
BLUETTI AC200L Portable Power Station | 2,400W 2,048Wh - BLUETTI Solar Generator, Portable Power Station?
" Life Cycles: 3,000+ Cycles to 80% Original Capacity"
Would be great if we get these features as firmware update for older models like the AC180. Especially exeeding the 8A limit.