Bluetti Balcony System - Ask me anything (AMA)

Hello everyone!

I wanna collect some questions from you guys, that you may have about the Bluetti Balcony System which launches tomorrow.

Feel free to ask me any question about the system! I cant answer all questions before the official launch. But i can cover the most basic questions.

Lets go!

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Nice! I’ll go ahead and get this started then, Erik…

Regarding the balcony systems, is there any regulations in place over there that “cap” the maximum allowed battery storage capacity with these specific types of systems?

(btw… we’re pretty jealous here in the States of these! Maybe someday they’ll start allowing us to have some fun! :slight_smile: )

Hey @m.briney

for regulations, i can only speak for germany.

For Germany the regulations are pretty clear and simple. Every System that include PV with a grid inverter is a balcony solarsystem. The only real restriction that apply here is the power output of the Inverter. Its capped to 600W, maybe next Year to 800W. Everything other, you are really free to design yourself. So it doesnt matter if you have PV with total peak output of 600W, 800W or whatever you want.

Same for the Battery Storage. You can install what you want, as long the inverter only put a total of 600W to the grid. Thats basicly all!

Hope this answered your question :slight_smile:



Thank you for this initiative.
My questions are:
-does the system have a “zero injection” function ?
-If so, does it come with a current sensor to be installed in the main electrical inlet / electrical panel? Is this current sensor “wired” or “wireless” ? or is it just a connected power outlet that measures the consumption of a single outlet?
-When the battery is empty: does it restart automatically with solar charging?
-Is it possible to schedule the charging of the battery on the grid (during the night when prices are cheaper?) ?
-Can we schedule the time periods during which we inject current, and the times when we do not inject?
-Can we operate several balcony systems in parallel (2 to 4) with current injection and “zero injection to the grid” function ?.
-It is indicated that the system works in the event of a power outage : in this case the grid tie inverter can’t work…is there an inverter for autonomous use which supplies my home electrical network via the same electrical outlet (for the grid tie converter) ?

thank’s !

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Hi @Snips1

unfortunately i cant answer every question on this system. But some of the questions, i already can answer. Lets go point by point

Does the system have a “zero injection” function ? - Sensor Yes or No?
The System dont offer any possibility for automaticly reach “Zero Export”. You set a fixed value and the system control export to your house circuit and charging the Batterys based on the value you provided in the App.

Does the System work in a power outage?
Every Balcony System shutsoff in case of a power failure. The Inverter checks if there is the right grid voltage (in case for germany 230V) and the right grid frequenz (50hz). If one of the values are too low, the inverter will stop deliever power to the house circuit. This is related to a safety feature. When you unplug the AC Plug, its the same effect. To safe the person from a electrical shock, the inverter need to cut the power within miliseconds.

Can we operate several balcony systems in parallel (2 to 4) with current injection and “zero injection to the grid” function ?
Lets say, it depends. In Germany, you are only allowed to output 600W which such a system. When you want to install two system, you can limit both of theese to 300W Output. Since you need to register every balcony system in the “Markstammregister” and you local “Messstellenbetreiber”, could be practical a mess of paperwork.

Your questions that are related to the D100S in cmbination with the B210: Im really sorry, but i cant provide any safe informations about yet. I will save your post and come to this back, as soon i run the system with the D100S.



Thank you very much for your precise response !

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Hi @Snips1

i now can answer the remaining questions.

When the battery is empty: does it restart automatically with solar charging?
At the moment, there are three modes: PV to Grid, Battery to Grid and PV to Battery. As far i can tell, for what i can see with my running System, its stop discharge the battery at the configured SoC, but not recharge it automaticly. You can set a schedule to recharge the battery with all the available PV energy you have, but this needs to be configured manually.

Can we schedule the time periods during which we inject current, and the times when we do not inject?
Yes, you can schedule when charge the Battery, inject into grid and use the Battery energy. You can set up up to 6 time slots.


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Thank you very much for the follow-up and feedback !

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