@J0hnny If all the batteries can be fully charged or discharged when you connect AC500 with 4x B300S in the case that you had done the battery cycle for the battery one by one?
Yes, all batteries can be charged to 100% if all 4 are connected at the same time.
All batteries can also be charged individually to 100%.
they all go to 0% if you teach them and you constantly discharge them.
@J0hnny If so, that means that there is no problem with all batteries. The battery voltage between the battery packs may be different. In the case of parallel connection of different DC voltages, the battery pack with higher voltage discharges more and the SOC drops faster when discharging; when charging, the battery pack with lower voltage has more charging current and SOC rises faster. Even if there is a difference in power, it will still be fully charged to 100% or fully discharged to 0% in the end.
Hello Bluetti,
I agree with you. but isn’t it unhealthy for battery 2 and 5 if they are at 0% and the other batteries still have 50%.
I mean because of deep discharge etc.
@J0hnny I checked with the tech team, when the battery charge reaches 0%, it will not be discharged, and there is still a margin in itself, with over-discharge protection.