B230 self discharge rate

Alright, here are my cell voltages with everything charged to 100.
1,2, and 3 show on the main screen with 2 being the problem b230. The cell screens show 0,1,and 2 so I assume 1 would be the problem b230. Not sure how to interpret these numbers.


All the cell voltages looks normal, but I suppose you took the pics after the balancing stage so the cells got the time to average down.
If you would like to have a better view please discharge all the packs to 98/99% and then shutdown DC and AC output; start charging again by closely look at the 3 BMS screens. You will see the cell voltages going up and up to over 3.5 V and you should take a pic at that point. It’s on that moment that you can check the difference between the lowest and highest voltage cell.
Battery temperatures are normal at 17, 22, 19 C.
Also, do you have a multimeter?
If so, please shutdown all the batteries, disconnect them, and probe with a multimeter set on DC the voltage you find on all the battery outputs. If you look closely at the battery socket, you will see the 2 biggest pins which are the positive and negative outputs, please probe there without worrying about the polarity.
Since you reported one battery discharge faster while disconnected, I’m wondering if it’s DC output goes off for real when battery is off.
Note: if you have a multimeter which also measure current, please make sure your 2 probes are inserted into COM and V (not on A/10A/uA)

I don’t have a multimeter but will get one. Oddly, while charging from 97% all cells read between 3.32 and 3.34, with less variation than when idle at 100%

Bought a multimeter. Both good and bad b230’s measure 42V on the big pins while on, 14V on the big pins while off.