AC500 over paneling limits and PV parallel questions

(I’m an engineer)

Do they pay you well for writing long texts about untested assumptions?

Again: What experience do you actually have with bluetti products?

you don’t believe in anyone, very good. so believe in yourself and what you see. plug your panel string into your ac500, watch the power arriving on your ac500 early in the morning or late afternoon, on a cloudy day, at midday in full sun. and draw your conclusions yourself.
goodbye Robert1!

I think Robert1 is a Troll :joy:

That’s not true. bluetti and ndwr wrote helpful answers.

You did not. And you made it clear that you don’t know the AC500.

I asked questions. I got actual answers from people who know stuff.

And I got replies from people who wrote a lot of text while not answering any of the questions.

Such people need to be called out. And that doesn’t make me a troll.

Hello Robert,
I’m active in a few forums, but I’ve never heard anyone ask for help in your tone. You get free answers without having any right to their content. You should say thank you and silently assess whether the answer is of any use to you or not. Of course you can have a different opinion. You are entitled to a competent, correct answer if you contact Bluetti support, or better yet, the dealer from whom you bought the devices.


You did see that they answered, didn’t you?

This is their forum.

And the dealer is bluetti themselves.

You called me a troll. So thank you for that helpful comment. :wink:

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