AC180 Noisy Fan Operation

Thanks for the clarification and explanation of the functionality of the UPS of the AC180’s.
Would this be the same for the AC60?
I have an AC60 & 2 B80’s waiting at the post office to pickup tomorrow upon my return so I am assuming that I will have to request a firmware push to assist with the fan noise as was the case with the AC180’s ?

Thank you for actively trying to help.

I recognize I didn’t ask the original question but maybe this helps.
I do understand why then inverter in standby needs to be energized for fast UPS but why that would also be the case if both AC and DC power outputs are off?

I plugged the AC charging cable via the kill a Watt and it uses roughly 20Wh with nothing connected to it.
The unit turns on for roughly 5-6 mins drawing ~260W with charging mode in “Silent” blowing fans really loud. It is not silent at all.

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BMS v1033.05/ARM v2073.03/ DSP v2077.04

Hi BLUETTI_CARE. Please enroll one of my AC180 devices in the test firmware.

Serial Number: 2316002298010
ARM version: v2073.03
DSP version: v2077.04
BMS version: v1033.05

DJR: I do not have this same issue on my AC60+B80 unit - the fan runs quiet. Only my AC180 has this issue.

@datman83 @zezrum Thanks for the information. The software update will be sent in 6 hrs.

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@DJR Thanks for your support. The heat dissipation design of the AC60 is more advanced, using larger and better heat sinks. The heat dissipation performance is improved, and the fan speed will not be too high, thereby reducing the noise.


Thanks for the clarification regarding AC60 fan vs AC180.

@jakubx80 In addition to the temperature, the fan will also start when the charging and discharging power reaches a certain value. Regarding the noise generated in silent mode, we will confirm with our R&D colleagues. If there is any update, I will let you know ASAP.

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Thank you for pushing the firmware.

I’m now on DSP v2077.05.

Unfortunately, I can’t say that it is solved or improved at all. The fan still turns on with a momentary spike and then settles onto a speed that is still fairly loud and to my ear unchanged from previous setting.

I’m on the new firmware. Fan still comes on when there is minor load but it’s now what you hear when you do ‘silent’ charging, and the fan runs for less time. An improvement.

Reporting back experience on the new firmware:
Much improved experience, now when long duration at small load, fan comes on less frequently and when it does it runs much slower/quieter. Drain of 1% still happens every 30-40 minutes, but the recharge cycle does not make the fan run at high speed. Instead it runs at slower speed and quiet. When the recharge happens, it still draws approx 290 watts even configured in silent charge mode.

Thank you for working on this. This is much better than before. I have a second AC180 on the older firmware and am going to test it next to my primary unit this weekend and will probably request it to be updated as well if this new firmware isn’t released to the public soon. Thanks!


@zezrum @slavitch Thanks for your feedback.

@jakubx80 I’m sorry for the issue. Currently the software department is still working on this issue, if there are other updates, I will let you know. Thanks for your patience.


@BLUETTI_CARE thank you for your responses.

I double checked and my fan still definitely “spikes” to a higher speed before settling onto what indeed appears to be silent charging.

A question.
I understand that silent charging is roughly at 20% fan speed.
Can the fan slowly ramp through 5%,10% etc speeds? Or is the “slow charging speed” the minimum starting speed for the fan motor itself? If so, please upgrade the motors.

A suggested solution:
You stated above that inverter has to be energized at all times to enable fast UPS switching.
Would it be possible to add as a software feature an ability to change fast UPS to “slow UPS”?
Would that allow a full bypass of inverter, thus, eliminate battery discharge and eliminate the need for fan startup altogether when grid power is on?

Fast UPS is needed mostly for fast switching electronics with zero to low capacitance within system.
There are plenty of devices, like Aquarium heaters, that don’t care if the power comes back within 50 or 500ms but having emergency power supply is critical.
I think if possible to implement it’d be a brilliant solution where customer could choose a functionality they require.

At this point it’s quite a deal breaker for me if it stays the way it is.
It also seems completely unnecessary and opposite to expectations because the device is completely silent when run off the batteries for my application yet is loud when it should be in “bypass” connected to the grid.

Separate Android software bug:
In the Android app, in the overview screen showing inputs and outputs, the outputs don’t work well. The AC output can be tapped but it will always show OW, 120V and 0A even when load is being drawn.
The DC output icon can’t be tapped at all.

Thank you for your help.



I have the same problem of noisy fan. I use it as a UPS and I have it in the bedroom, It IS unbearable, every 5 minutes, the fan noise for 1 minute. My room temperature IS 24° I have Air conditioning.

My data:

SN: AC1802313000166292
BMS: v1033,05
ARM: v2074,05

Help, please. Thank you.

I forgot the DSP: v2078,04

@jakubx80 Regarding the problem of frequent fan startup and noise, R&D has released official firmware (high voltage DSP2078.05, low voltage 2077.05; BMS1033.06), and has been pushed in batches. Please try to update the firmware to check.

My AC180 has arrived, has the firmware been promoted to PROD already, or are you interested in me testing it ?
If so, can I send you my serial without broadcasting it here on the forum ?

I have updated the BMS and DSP firmware and it continues to activate the fans, maybe I should do a factory reset after updating the firmware? The fans should never turn on in the state I have the unit in. Load of only 39w, air conditioned room and temperature of 24° Celsius. In these conditions what is the point of ventilating the unit if it should be completely cooled to a temperature without any risk to the batteries or its components?

Hi, may I know the current version of the firmware? I will check with the tech team for more details.