Low grid voltage error on AC180P

Thanks. DSP successfully updated to v2088.04

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Hello, @BLUETTI_CARE. I have the same problem as people in this chat. Yesterday I received a brand new AC70, the first time I connected it to charge it (it was 28%) and it showed me the error E114 (low mains voltage). I couldn’t find such a thread for my device, so I’m going to post the AC70 data here. Please help me to release a new firmware. Thank you!

IoT v9046.01
ARM v2151.01
DSP v2106.06

Hi @Molfar, We have noticed that your DSP version is already up to date. Is there any instability in the power grid in your area?

Please log into the Bluetti app, go to Advanced Settings, find the Grid Self Adaptation mode, and then change the charging mode to Silent Charging. Does this make a difference?
I hope it does help.

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@BLUETTI_CARE Thank you for your response. I will try to do as you recommend. Since I am from Ukraine, and our power substations are under daily shelling by russia, the voltage in the grid is always too low (mostly 183-200 volts). I noticed that when the voltage is around 183 V, the device reports an error E114 and no longer charges. When the voltage is about 200V, the charging process goes well. Thanks again for the recommendation. I will try to do self-adaptation. If it doesn’t work, I’ll contact you again.

Hi @Molfar, I appreciate your kind understanding and patience.
We are expecting your feedback. Everything will be fine.
We are always here waiting for you.

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. sometimes i got low grid voltage error, could u plese send me latest firmware verstion?
SN: AC180P2341000737905
ARM: v2089.03
DSP: v2088.04
BMS: V1039.01

Hi @deadlike, we have replied to your comment on another post.
We found that your DSP is already the latest one.
We suggest you log into the app, and enable the “Grid-self Adaption Mode” in the “Advanced Setting”. Does it help?

Hi @BLUETTI_CARE . I am having the same issue with AC70P. I cant recharge my battery due to low grid alert. Could you help me with a similar solution, please?

Hi @Gustavofk, We found that your DSP version is very new.
We suggest you log into the app, and enable the “Grid-self Adaption Mode” in the “Advanced Setting”.
Meanwhile, choose Silence charging mode.
Does it help?

Hi @BLUETTI_CARE , i am just using the silent mode and enabled the self adaption mode. It recharges a little and stop recharging, also the low voltage error keep appearing together with the alarm icon.

Same problem (Low grid voltage error on AC180P). Adaptation to grid/silent mode doesn’t help. Two days ago everything was ok.
Please send me new firmware version.

IOT 9046.01
ARM 2125.03
DSP 2126.03

Hi! Same problem here (Low grid voltage error on AC180P).
Please send a firmware update to my device.
SN 2352001001031
ARM V2089.03
DSP v2088.04
BMS v1039.01

Hi @Gustavofk, I am sorry but we do not have a specific firmware for the AC70P to address this issue.
If the Grid-Self Adaptation Mode has been enabled but is still ineffective, it likely means that the grid voltage is too low. In this case, we can only recommend using solar charging or another charging method.

Hi @navol, we have a new firmware that could resolve this problem.
I have applied for the update, and we will fulfill it in 24 hours, please upgrade the firmware tomorrow.
I hope it does help.

Hi @snake, We found that your DSP is the latest one.
If the Grid-Self Adaptation Mode has been enabled but is still ineffective, it likely means that the grid voltage is too low.
Can you tell us the specific gird voltage?
In this case, we can only recommend using solar charging or another charging method.

Thanks friend. So i think this should be better explained on site and user manual and all marketing campaings, as all the other eletric equipment works normally with the available energy here and the only equipment that doesnt work properly is the bluetti AC70P. So if I leave it as a backup energy I can pottencially be without battery even if there is energy at home, but the equipment didnt recharge properly. Sorry but go there and buy something extra is a bad response.

Hi @Gustavofk, Under normal circumstances, we do not recommend charging under unstable voltage conditions as it may damage the battery. However, for some models that are more frequently affected by such issues due to unavoidable external factors, we have developed firmware that allows charging with unstable voltage.

Currently, there haven’t been many reports related to the AC70, which is why we haven’t created specific firmware for this issue. We need to consider the feedback from the majority of customers, and we hope you understand this approach.

Hi guys,
You can consider me as another AC70P customer experiencing the same E114 errors when the voltage drops below 190V. What are the chances of getting custom firmware with slightly adjusted thresholds to support such circumstances?

S/N: AC70P2404000273749
ARM: v2122.06
DSP: v2112.03

Thanks in advance.

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After the recent infrastructure shelling I got the same issue. Error E114.
Please enforce the firmware on my device as well. I need it working and charging at low voltage.
S/n AC180P2341000772331
ARM v.2089.03
DSP shows as v2088.04 but I updated it to v2088.99 five Times already it does not want to change for some reason.
Thanks for helping me out.

Hi @yuriyd, your firmware is already up to date, and we don’t have any new updates to push at this moment.

Please try enabling the grid self-adaption mode in the app’s advanced settings.
Then, set the charging mode to silent mode.
Please let us know if it works.
If not, please take a video when you AC charging the AC70P, upload to a cloud, and share the link to us.