Loss of power on AC300

Hello, I have an AC300+B300 to which a refrigerator is connected. I don’t have anything else plugged in and the DC output is disabled. I don’t have solar panels. For a full day, the electricity network provides me with 2.42kw and the electricity consumption is 1.81kw. There is therefore a loss of 0.61kw. Is this a loss in standards?

Hi @Alchimiste ,

i assume you using the AC Output for your refrigerator?

With a full day, you mean 24 hours?

The selfconsumption with AC “on” is about 38W. This mean about 900Wh or 0.9 kWh self consumption for full 24h.

So when its less that 24h, i really thing its in a normal range.



Yes, 24 hours et AC output for my refrigerator.


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Okay, it seems normal to me then