✨ BLUETTI Swapsolar is NOW AVAILABLE on Indiegogo!

:hugs:Long awaited! The ultimate solution for passionate self-driving and camping enthusiasts :zap::evergreen_tree::red_car:
:sparkles: #BLUETTISwapsolar is now available on Indiegogo! :star_struck:

:rocket:Support Swapsolar by visiting Indiegogo for the BEST OFFER price! :sparkles: Be among the first to experience energy freedom!

:zap:AC180T + :ice_cube:Multicooler: $1379 (Only 300 seats)

Exclusive Link for Community:

BLUETTI SwapSolar Ecosystem | Indiegogo

:zap:AC180T + :ice_cube:Multicooler + :battery:B70: $1669 (Only 100 seats)

Exclusive Link for Community:

BLUETTI SwapSolar Ecosystem | Indiegogo

:shopping_cart:For Other Perks:


I was refreshing the indiegogo link right at the open… from the previous post here announcing the launch. I couldn’t find this “secret link” So I ended up buying the fridge+battery AND the AC180T. Both were the super early bird special.

Does this combo pack have anything else special? Should I cancel my original 2 orders and then get this instead?

Thank you for your help.


@rasher Hi Randy,
Please click on the link in the arrow for the forum’s exclusive Best Offer.


Thank you for your response however my question was is there a difference between this “Exclusive Link for Community” and ordering them separate?

See my attachment photo showing what I ordered.

@rasher The single items you purchased and the second combo we posted contain the same products. The lowest payment price prevails, so you don’t need to cancel the order.

I have also reported the bug related to the “Best Offer” to the relevant team. Thank you for pointing it out promptly!


Thank you!
I’m no longer worried. ;)
Have a great day!!

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Adding my two cents, to those who consider following that link and wonder about real-life tests; here are the results of my first 10 days of testing:

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