Hello, first post, bought an EB70 to use in in my camper but finding it very useful at home where I have a small roof solar system installed.
I’ve read that its best not to discharge battery completely but does it have a negative effect to just regularly partially discharge by a small amount and then recharge, for free, when my solar system is producing sufficient energy? I seem to remember that old tech NiCd batteries developed memory problems in this situation and wondered if Lithium phosphate were the same.
Its chemically a different process and also called different.
So no lifepo batterys don’t have memory effekt.
But they also deteriorating with use especially with wrong use.
They don’t like to get fully discharged and they don’t like to be stored/held at 100% charge for long time.
I would store them at around 1/2 charge, only charge them if you plen to used them and only discharged the last 20% if you have to.
but also don’t not cycle for to long maybe every 2 month give them a full charge discharge cycle.
Or just Yolo it. its a ware product and it will eventually die anyways.
Storing at 50% capacity completely defeats the pupose for power outages.
Not completely only by 50%
(and you can charge via solar)
In most of the developed world we have almost never power outages an if only for minutes.
So for most customers this is perfectly adequate.
I use it for Camping and outdoor, so i know in advance if and when im gonna use it and charge it befor.
If you want to have it fully charged at all times, You can but it wont last very long
When I need power I want a full tank, not half or even three-quarters.
May you never be on the receiving end of government shenanigans.
Oh in Germany we are… we have reliable power but it Comes at a price.
one of the Highest cost per kwh in the world and most co2 in per kwh in Europ (well after polland)
i suggest buying a Diesel generator?
how long often do you have power outages?
Waht do you need to power,
do you have a car to recharge the power station?
Thanks for the replies, reassuring to know that I’m not doing anything which will drastically reduce the life of the battery beyond its normal deterioration. Must say I wasn’t aware of the detrimental effects of keeping battery at 100% for long periods.
The two articles here may be interesting to read through:
Battery charging: Full versus Partial - PushEVs
Best charging behavior for LFP batteries - PushEVs
This comparison is especially useful for the topic here I think:
In here we see how many charge/discharge cycles the battery cell can handle before reaching the EOL (End-of-Life) – 70 % of the initial battery capacity – in different scenarios.
- Cycling from 100 to 0 % we get 500 cycles (25.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 100 to 10 % we get 500 cycles (25.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 100 to 20 % we get 1.000 cycles (50.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 90 to 0 % we get 1.500 cycles (75.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 90 to 10 % we get 1.500 cycles (75.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 90 to 20 % we get 2.000 cycles (100.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 80 to 0 % we get 3.000 cycles (150.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 80 to 10 % we get 3.000 cycles (150.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 80 to 20 % we get 3.500 cycles (175.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 70 to 0 % we get 5.000 cycles (250.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 70 to 10 % we get 5.500 cycles (275.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
- Cycling from 70 to 20 % we get 6.000 cycles (300.000 kWh from a 50 kWh battery)
So you get more overall lifetime power from your solar generator if you cycle between certain ranges; not all the way down and not all the way up.
Excellent, thanks for the links to these informative articles.
I agree with you. I see almost not posts from users with worn out / damaged batteries but many dealing with the hardware or software of the unit itself. I am more concerned with the main unit lasting 10 years than I am the batteries. I keep all my units stored at 100% since my primary purpose is emergency back up power. I also cycle them from 100 to 0% about three times a year and have had no issues over three years.
Yes, indeed. Emergency backup is my first priority, other uses are secondary. I concur with your concern being hardware rather than the batteries.
It is amazing that some will offer a personal opinion with no knowledge of the individual or their particular requirements.
But than again Posts with warranty complaints don’t stay publicly visible for long in this forum…
Bluetti’s app should let you set MAX CHARGE and MIN Discharge limits.
This should be easy and then one would not have to baby sit the battery.
I try to stop at 80/20, but with a small battery it doesn’t take long to charge/discharge, and it will go to 100/0…
Bluetti I hope you look into adding this to your apps.
Yes, I like this idea too. In general the app anyway could do a little more I feel. For example I’d like it if the app could track total inputs and total outputs over time. That way if you’re connected to solar for example, you could see how much power you’ve used and saved from the mains.
It looks like the AC300 actually has this functionality in the app. See this post: AC300 Customized UPS mode setting fails to cut off power output at SOC low setting.