AC180P turns off randomly

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There is an issue with the operation of the UPS. After a power outage, the AC180 turns off. Please send an updated firmware.

ARM - 2089,02
DSP - 2088,02
BMS - 1039,01

Hi, I have the same problem. When at 100% battery and losing power from grid the station sometimes shut downs by itself. Could you please also push new firmware to me?
ARM: 2089,02
DSP: 2088,02
BMS: 1039,01

I have the same issues - AC180P is turning off when the power grid shuts down.
Could you please push the new firmware to my device?
ARM - v2089.02
DSP - v2088.02
BMS - v1039.01

New Bluetti AC180P works as UPS for fridge (Serial number is 2349000040459, arm v2089.02, dsp v2088.02).
Today, my Bluetti shutdown after grid disconnected. Charge level was 100%. Please send me a firmware update.

I have the same issues - AC180P is turning off when the power grid shuts down.
Could you please push the new firmware to my device?
ARM - v2089.02
DSP - v2088.02
BMS - v1039.01

Hi! Same problem. Please push new firmware

ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

Hello. Please send a firmware update to my device. I have the same problem with my AC180P (turns off randomly in UPS mode). Thank you!
ARM v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

Thank you very much! Problem solved, I’m your client now, I will buy a more powerful station in the near future.

Hello, please send me firmware update for AC180P (random shutdowns):
ARM: v2089.02
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

Thanks, I have DSP v2088.04 and the auto shutdown problem is indeed solved. BUT the problem with noisy vents at low load is NOT solved.

I will post below how to reproduce this problem, maybe it will help your tech team:

  1. Connect something with about 100 watts of power to the 180P.
  2. Then add a load to the 180P by connecting something with a load of 1kW or more (in my case it is a microwave oven). With such a high load the fans will start making noise as they should.
  3. Keep this load on for about a minute and then leave only something less powerful (100w) to load the station.
  4. The fans will continue to spin at a speed as if the station is still being loaded with a 1kW load, even though the actual load is 100w or less. This will continue indefinitely.
  5. Add a load to the station with a total consumption of 150W or more.
  6. The fans will return to normal almost immediately.

I hope this helps


[quote=“Vaksa, post:595, topic:29356, full:true”]
I bought a second station for my parents.)
The same problem when working in UPS mode.
Please send me the new firmware for my device:
Model: AC180P
SN: 2352000574347
ARM: v2089.03
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: 1039.01

I have the same problem: it randomly turns off when the grid disconnects in UPS mode. Please push the new firmware.
model ac180p
ARM :v2089,02
DSP: v2088,02
BMS: v1039,01

I have the same problem: it randomly turns off when the grid disconnects in UPS mode. Please push the new firmware.
model ac180p
ARM :v2089,03
DSP: v2088,02
BMS: v1039,01

Hello @BLUETTI_CARE. Same problem here. Can you please push new firmware version to me?

ARM: v2089.03
DSP: v2088.02
BMS: v1039.01

1 Like

I have the same problem: it randomly turns off when the grid disconnects in UPS mode. Please push the new firmware. SN:
ARM V2089.02
DSP V2088.02
BMS v1039.01

Hello, please send the new firmware for my device.

Arm v2089.02
DSP v2088.02
BMS v1039.01

Thank you!

I don’t think it’s a problem. I have an AC70P and if I have a full 100w going through the DC port, the fans are also loud. Through the AC port the load has to be well over 200w to activate the fan at that RPM.

So it seems to me that this is normal operation, apparently more air is needed to cool the DC ports.

I have the same problem. could u,please, send me a new firmware to fix it.

ARM 2089.03
DSP 2088.02
BMS 1039.01

Actually this is the real problem. Cuz when you are charging a notebook (~30-80 w) after 30 minutes the fans turn on at MAX speed and NEVER stop. On the AC port fans are turned on once every half hour in quiet mode.

Topic with this issue: AC180P fan